What we do

What we do
Each month, our members may host any or all of the following activities. Occasionally, these activities may change based on interest.

Monthly Social: The Monthly Social is used to discuss and vote on upcoming events and activities. Guest speakers or specific activities are often the highlights of these meetings. We meet on the second Monday of each month. Contact us at momsclubofalexandriaarea@hotmail.com for specific times and locations.

Playgroups, Storytimes, Planned Outings: 
Small groups of our moms and their children often meet for playgroups at their homes and provide a small snack and drinks for everyone.  Sometimes groups of our moms and their children will also meet for storytime events at the local library, children’s museum, zoo, breakfast, lunch, special events and more!

Committees: There are times when a mother may need a helping hand if there’s a family illness or birth of a child. Our moms may help out with meal delivery, running errands, etc. We also have committees available to acknowledge birthdays and coordinate officer elections.

Mom’s Night Out: As much as we love our children, it is still nice to get out of the house for a
little “moms-only” time. A Mom’s Night Out might include dinner, a movie, jewelry making,
pottery painting, or a trip to a spa.

Newsletter: Our monthly newsletter is full of information of interest to our moms, as well as recipes, the monthly activity calendar, etc.

Service Project: We believe in supporting our community, therefore, we perform at least one community service project per year.

Book Club: For those who enjoy reading, we have a book club that meets each month if there is enough interest.

Here is a list of some of the fun activities that are hosted by our Chapter each month:

Park Day
Potluck Breakfast/Lunch
Craft Day
Splash Pad
Firehouse tours
Blueberry picking
Coffee Break
Mom's Night Out
Chuck E. Cheese
Gone Wild Safari
Gator Park in Natchitoches
Zoo Day
Story Time at the Library
TREE House
After school ice cream treats
Family Day
Mall Play Area
Noah's Ark
and much, much more!

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