Fall is in full swing!

By Karen C.

Fall is in full swing. School is back, days are getting shorter, and hopefully cooler weather is on its way! The change of seasons always makes me reflective, thinking of how life has changed in the past year and pondering the changes to come.

I moved to Alexandria from Hattiesburg, MS nearly 15 years ago and spent the next several years working full time, marrying my husband, and later, having my daughter. Once she was born, I stopped working to stay home with her. Initially, we had a great time at home together, but as she grew, we both began to feel isolated.

I searched for local support groups (and tried a few that didn’t fit) until I found the MOMS Club. I have been a member for less than a year, but was welcomed into our little group immediately!

Although some of you have lived here for years, many of you have similar stories of moving to this area where you didn’t have family and had to make new friends. The MOMS Club has given us a way to connect to other like-minded SAHMs, to share our daily ups and downs together. I don’t know what I would have done without this MOMS Club.

This September marks the 8-year anniversary of the founding of this chapter of the MOMS Club. While there certainly have been changes in the past eight years, the support provided by such wonderful ladies has remained throughout the years.

My hope is that we can reach other SAHMs in the area who may be feeling isolated and lonely. With new Fall activities around the corner, we hopefully can meet new moms to share our group with them.

If you are interested in learning more about the MOMS Club of Alexandria Area, LA, please send an e-mail to us at: momsclubofalexandriaarea@hotmail.com.  We would love to get to know you!

Karen C.