Who we are
The MOMS Club is a support group just for you, a stay-at-home mom who wants a variety of activities for you and your children, and proud of your choice of at-home mothering for your family! The MOMS Club is the only national support group just for YOU – today’s at-home mother, and is a way for you and your children to meet other at-home moms and their children.

What we do
Each month, our members meet at a Monthly Social.  This meeting is used to discuss and vote on upcoming events and activities. Guest speakers or specific activities are often the highlights of these meetings. We also create an activity calendar each month filled with playdates, planned outings, trips just for moms and more! We also have a yearly service project to give back to the local community.

How to Join
Contact us by email at momsclubofalexandriaarea@hotmail.com for information about joining.

Currently, our yearly dues are $20 to cover the cost of room rentals, newsletters, supplies, etc. Additionally, we understand that a woman staying at home raising her children involves a great financial sacrifice, so if dues are a hardship to your family, please let us know.

Find us on Facebook – MOMS Club of Alexandria Area, LA