Back to School Time!

By Karen C.

Can you believe that it’s August already? Back to school time is right around the corner, and that means school changes, schedule changes, and the beginning of football season and more.

For the first time, this at-home mom is sending my child to school. While I’m thrilled that she is excited to start this new chapter in her life, my sentimentality keeps me wondering, “where has my baby gone?”

Even though she will only be at school for a half-day, starting school constitutes a major change for us...and sometimes change hurts! As much as I anticipate some issues with separation anxiety for our little girl (and maybe her mom, if I’m being honest), I am so excited that she is growing up into such a delightful young lady.

Our MOMS Club is going through some changes as well...including restarting the MOMS Club Book Club!

Thanks to Trang Lopez’s hard work, our monthly book club is restarting. If you’re a bookworm like me, this is exciting news! For more information, be sure to read all about it on Page 2 of our monthly newsletter.

Also, I’d like to say thanks to everyone who helped out at the Cenla Kid Sale last month. We have several potential new members who are planning to join us for our next social.

I hope that all of you have a great August and that the stresses of the Back-to-School season are minor. We’ve had some great activities this Summer! Personally, I’m looking forward to cooler weather and the Fall activities coming soon (Pumpkin Patch, anyone??). I hope to see all of you at some of this month’s activities!

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